Friday, June 8, 2012

In Limbo

Sorry all, whoever has been faithfully following this tech blog.

Unfortunately for us all, I am really struggling to decide what to do cooling wise for the N64. Part of me thinks that putting 4 separate heatsinks down (one for the CPU, RCP, onboard memory, and Expansion Pack) is the best way, and the other is making a strong argument for one larger heatsink to cover everything but the Expansion Pack (which would still get its own heatsink). There's also the issue of the fan, 60mm or 80mm? Do I mount it through the top of the N64, or keep it discreet within the case? These are the questions plaguing me, and I don't see a clear answer yet.

In other news, The button from my iTouch fell off just a few days after my blog post about it, and fixing it has become an endeavor worthy of it's own post. Unfortunately, it is not completely finished (more like, finished but not working properly) but I may go ahead and make a post regarding how I got to where I am with it.

Until (probably later) tomorrow,
Thank you,
Eric Lee


Unknown said...

Actually it will be even longer. After much more dorking around, I've reached a point where I'm just going to spend the $2 replacement button, since I have already ripped my iTouch open. I'm not going to place the order until I've finished measuring what size heatsinks I want for the N64, and I might even try to order a fan too. That all will happen at some point this week.

Greg said...

I hope you figure out the cooling system, I'm going to copy you :P

Your overclocking guide was excellent, thanks a ton.

Unknown said...

Hey, no problem, glad you could find it(what did you google to find it?).

Hopefully, the parts for the cooling system show up early this week. I'm going maybe a little overboard with it, but I'd rather play this one on the safe side. (don't worry, it's not water cooled or anything crazy).

Greg said...

Its actually on the first page of google now for "how to overclock an n64" though it took awhile to find it before that lol, i was going through the same thing digging through all the crud and stuff written in 1999 or broken images in 2004 forum posts.

Unknown said...

Good to hear. Yeah, most all of the information out there is pretty dated. The broken images on the forums were the worst!

The only information that seemed more recent was the documentation of all the Brits making the N64 portables, and quite frankly I'd like to be put in a small soundproof room with most of them.

I just think turning a 64 into a small-screened, single-player device is a perversion, and I'm sure many 64's have been needlessly killed in the process. Additionally, I really despise hot glue.

Greg said...

Yea I dislike the idea of breaking down old hardware into "portables" that are obviously not very portable and kinda just for internet stars I doubt they actually use them same with ripping the guts out and making a PC out of the case. Not worth it.

Since you have parts ordered did you decide to keep it within the case or mount with the cover off/cut and make a franken64? I only say that because i wouldn't mind running it at 3 times speed but I dunno if 3x offers any advantage over 2x and I doubt it'd be possible to cool it within the case making it look stock minus the switches at 3x. I haven't found much for cooling other than home made copper heatsinks for those portables but those are running stock speeds sooo

Im impatient :P Also thanks for responding you're a cool dude.

Unknown said...

Don't even get me started on the pc case thing.

Okay, here is the breakdown: 2/3rds of the parts showed up today. I currently have 1 60mm case fan, and 3 40X40mm aluminum heatsinks. I am planning using only 1 of the 40X40's for the "franken"-expansion pack. I've found that the Expansion Pack is always the first thing to overheat, so it get's its own heatsink.

I have determined that, for the sake of airflow-etc, the case fan will not be super discrete. It won't be just sitting on the outside of the case, but I'm going to try to integrate it into top plastic shell (hopefully still bellow the plastic). If I wasn't a cheap skate, I would have shelled out for a cool-looking transparent plastic case fan (maybe even with LED's, but they are a hassle and not really my style, but instead I have a basic black one.

I'm just waiting on one larger piece of aluminum heatsink for the mobo.

As far as your situation, I can't imagine needing to run at 3X. I tried PD 12 player match with rockets in Warehouse and there wasn't too much lag at 2.0X. Additionally, I would be kinda shocked if you managed to achieve 3X, honestly.

As to responding, it's no problem. Helping people and fixing/modding stuff are some of my favorite things to do. If you have any questions, or want to attach pictures or anything, you can email me at

I'll try to get at least the Expansion Pack done tomorrow.