Monday, June 25, 2012

N64 Overclock Minor Update (no pictures)

I soldered in the fan, tested out the N64, and everything is running great. Just a little bit of airflow is exactly what the heatsink over the Expansion Pack needs to stay cool. The next thing I'm working on is the large heatsink. Even though everything seemed to run fine with the stock heatsink, I came here to party, and I'm not leaving without a custom heatsink (that is probably three times overkill).

That is the major project, minor steps along the way include potentially mounting another switch to turn the fan on/off (under the idea that I may want to turn it off for some reason), deciding whether or not to keep or ditch the radio shielding, and finally deciding how to mount the fan.

So, at the minimum for today, I plan on wiring in the switch for the case fan and finishing the large heatsink.

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