Monday, June 4, 2012

N64 Overclock Preview

This is not the documentary of how I overclocked my N64. This is just confirmation that, "yes, I was able to achieve this" and "yes, I will put up a full documentary of my efforts tomorrow".

That being said, all that has been done so far is the overclock and some heat vents on the memory chip. The whole (very neccessary) heatsink/cooling fan modification has not been done yet, because I have not been able to get my hands on a proper sized fan. The one I bought today (80mm by 80mm) is unfortunately just barely to big to do what I want to do.

So, the first half of the project will be posted sometime tomorrow.

I'll let you know when work begins on the cooling system.


Anonymous said...

Are there plans for a half-speed Nintendo 64 modification? That would be cool as well.

Unknown said...

Underclocking? With the setup I chose, various switch combinations allowed for 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 multiplier configurations. The default multiplier (hard wired into the system) is 1.5, so technically 1.0 is underclocking. It's not half speed, but it is noticeably slower.

I actually did time the boot sequence for Perfect Dark, from power to the Main Menu, and shockingly enough, the 1.0 speed was exactly half as fast as the 2.0 speed. Maybe this isn't shocking, but in my experience, the relationship between math and and real life is not so simple when it comes to electronics (esp software).